Monday, January 26, 2009

t-shirt designs

So we got our first answer to the question, "So you want to put our t-shirt in your store?" The answer was a polite, but unequivicol "no". The feedback was that it was just all too simple. Well, that was the point. Singlespeeders like it that way.
But no worres. STC is devoted to satisfying our customers. "You want an x-ray? You want some Vicodin? Nooooo prrrroblemm. Here's a menu of tests and meds. You just mark what you would like, and I'll be back to top off your soda and change your bed pan." Oh wait, we're supposed to be selling t-shirts, not return ER customers. So the idea of keeping it simple apparently doesn't sell. We've got some new and improved designs, and I think the world is gonna like em. I'd like to do a presidential theme too (for Obama, not for dubya), but I haven't quite hit on the right idea just yet. If anyone out there has an idea for a good t-shirt (not just for Obama), and we use that idea, you will be compensated hansomely with an enthusiastic "thank you" and a t-shirt of your very own creation.
Keep thinking and keep blogging, everyone.

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