Weather, have to mention it as English, has continued to be great- clear skies and warm without the expected PM thunderstorms. Has resulted in drier trails.
Had some service work to do- new cables. Other than that both bikes are running well. Loving the 6 inches in the rear on the Yeti. Awesome on the descents and with the lockout it climbs just as well as the Superlight. Key is to flip that switch. Jeff is loving his 'bargain basement' Haro too, only BMX out there!
Been using squirt lube on the chains, one of the race sponsors, and real impressed. There has been a guy at each aid station ready to lube your chain and get you going. Loads of Hammer product too. Swag is great and there is a promise of loads more at the post race party Friday night. Pics to follow of the goodie bag
Couple more stages left- tomorrow goes over the ten mile range and spits you out near Copper for a gentle spin back to town. So need to hit the hay so I'm fit and ready for the morning.
As a side note Deb was in Winter Park today- pre riding the w/e race course and met a black bear on the trail.
Later, Lynx
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