It's 2:40am, and I've got 3 psych patients in the ER. They are remarkably pleasant folks, and at this hour, they are thinking saner thoughts than me.
I sent out a design for a track jacket in the last post. It seemed to be reasonably well received, but I'm just still not sure. Dan likes the idea of vertical stripes. So I did a version with vertical stripes. We are planning to market one of these to the resorts. The left chest logo can be pressed to fit whatever resort is interested. One of the nurses here suggested putting the vertical stripes on the back. Not a bad idea. BTW, the front view model is actually me this time, rather than that metro American Apparel guy.
Just saw a little kiddo that's feeling lousy and probably has the flu. Her parents are really nice folks and appreciative of our care. Kinda makes me like my job a little more, even at 3am.
I'd love some feedback about the designs (thanks to those who've already given feedback on the first design). Sometimes I think they are good, and then sometimes, i just want to start over. As opposed to the t-shirts that we are selling, i would actually buy one of these jackets. Of course, it would have to be drastically reduced, but I'd be willing to buy it. This puts me in foreign territory because with the t-shirts i had to keep reminding myself that even though I would never buy a t-shirt (I have a million), other people apparently will. But with the track jacket, I have to ask myself which one I'd rather have. I think I want both.
I should go check on the baby with the flu, and then i've got to figure out what to do with my contacts that I forgot to take out before leaving the house.
until next time,
I'm out.