It's 1:15am, and I'm waiting for a CT result to come back. The late night ramblings tend to be somewhat incoherent, so I apologize in advance if this post sucks. but Jon has been on me about the paucity of updates (none) since the Breck Epic.
I never provided adequate closure to the last stage of the Epic and the race in general. I had many things I wanted to say about it, but I can't remember them all now. It was the coolest and most fun bike race I've ever done, and I hope to be able to keep doing it in the years to come. one of the coolest things about the last day of the race was meeting Keith Bontrager. For those who don't know, Keith is one of the pioneers of mountain biking and frame building. I have 3 of his bikes. I happen to run into him after the last stage (read, I stalked him like Kathy Bates in Misery. "I'm your number one fan!!!"). He was really cool. Thank you, Keith, for not calling me out as the obsessed fan that I must have appeared to be.
In any case, the Epic was really cool, and I recommend it to all. There are so many things I want to say about it, but I'm too tired now. But I'm signed up for next year. Since Jon will be in New Zealand all summer, he won't be able to race with me next year. I enlisted a World Champion though to take his place. For those who haven't heard, Ken is the solo 12 hour clydesdale WORLD FREAKIN' CHAMPION! Great job Ken, you better start wearing the WC stripes.
I'm kinda burnt out on biking right now. I shut it down after Leadville, and have only ridden a couple times since. It's time to get back to ball sports, at least for now.
The big news these days for STC is that our online store is up and running. Thanks to Dan, we've got a full-on store with a check-out page and everything. See it at Drew's kids are getting us some model pics to replace the mock-ups on the site, so it's going to look even cooler. Big thanks to Karen Hogan for being our very first online customer. We are looking forward to the day when a complete stranger buys something.
Last thing, we are taking our wares to Veloswap. Dan somehow sweet-talked the fine folks at Upslope Brewery (newest microbrew in Boulder) into giving us "free beer on the tap" coupons to entice people to buy our shirts. Pretty cool deal.
until next time,